Memorable Monday

Memorable Monday #62


Welcome to Memorable Monday! The purpose of Memorable Monday is to showcase an influential book read in the past that still sticks with you today. This fun Monday morning post is hosted by the lovely Becca at The Becca Files.

This week, I am featuring:

Between the Lines∗

by Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer



Between the Lines is a fun book! Imagine if the hero from your favorite novel started speaking to you from the very pages you were reading. After the initial shock, it could be pretty cool! That’s exactly what happens to loner Delilah when she opens the pages of her beloved favorite novel. I definitely recommend this novel to readers of all ages, but especially teenagers. This is a fun and easy read I think teens would love.

∗ This novel is not Christian fiction, but it is Clean and Wholesome.

About the Book

Delilah is a bit of a loner who prefers spending her time in the school library with her head in a book—one book in particular. Between the Lines may be a fairy tale, but it feels real. Prince Oliver is brave, adventurous, and loving. He really speaks to Delilah.

And then one day Oliver actually speaks to her. Turns out, Oliver is more than a one-dimensional storybook prince. He’s a restless teen who feels trapped by his literary existence and hates that his entire life is predetermined. He’s sure there’s more for him out there in the real world, and Delilah might just be his key to freedom.

A romantic and charming story, this companion novel to Off the Page will make every reader believe in the fantastical power of fairy tales.


Share a book you’ve read in the past and explain briefly why it’s so memorable to you in the comments below.

If you would like to join Memorable Mondays, check out Becca’s blog site by clicking HERE. Scroll to a Memorable Monday post for info.

4 thoughts on “Memorable Monday #62

  1. I like Jodi Picoult but I haven’t read what her daughter has written. Jodi herself is pretty liberal, and there are a couple of her books that I avoided because of that.

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    1. I avoid most of her novels too. I’m not a fan of her style. But, this one she wrote with her daughter. I thought that was cool. And, the premise is super interesting. I wanted to see how they would accomplish their idea. 😀

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