Top Ten Tuesday · Weekly Themed Posts

Top Ten Tuesday #63

hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday post. This week’s topic is: Authors I’d Love a New Book From.

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  1. Jane Austen
  2. Charlotte Bronte
  3. Charles Dickens
  4. Mark Twain
  5. Edgar Allan Poe
  6. William Shakespeare
  7. Lori Wick
  8. Marion Zimmer Bradley
  9. Anne McCaffrey
  10. Sharon Kay Penman

23 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #63

    1. Thank you, and thank you for sharing your list with me. I agree with Poe. It would be cool to see what he would do today, especially with how much literary freedom he would have today. And Jane Austen was such a popular choice this week. It was fun to see how many of us want a new novel by her!

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  1. It would be SO fun if there’d be a lost novel from Jane Austen. I really want to reread a Lori Wick novel again and see if I’d still like them. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my website today.

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    1. Lori Wick just totally disappeared. At least that’s what is feels like to me. I would love a new book by her! And Jane Austen — it would be so cool to see how she deals with today’s society.


  2. You know I agree with Edgar Allan Poe, since I had him on my list this week as well. I loved MZB’s books and would have loved another, but can’t quite bring myself to read them anymore after finding out more about what she was like as a person.

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