Wondering Wednesday

Wondering Wednesday #3


Welcome to Wondering Wednesday, a new series I am joining thanks to Jessica at A Baker’s Perspective.

When you visit your favorite book blogs you learn a lot about books, but you don’t really learn that much about the bloggers who work tirelessly to get you that book info. The goal for Wondering Wednesday is to give you insight and a new perspective on the people behind the blogs you love.

We hope you enjoy learning about us bloggers. If you have a specific question for us, please click HERE. Make sure to join us each Wednesday as we respond to your questions.

If you are a blogger and would love to join Wondering Wednesday, check out Jessica’s blog for more information.

This week’s question is:

Do you have any pets?

I do! I have two dogs. Pawly is a German Shepherd and Freddie is a wire-hair Jack Russell Terrier.

What about you? Do you have any pets?

11 thoughts on “Wondering Wednesday #3

  1. We have a 15 year old chihuahua named Snickerdoodle. He’s on insulin twice a day, very hard of hearing and can’t see well at all, but he’s still our little furbaby and the apple of our eye.

    He was named Snickerdoodle because when we got him we were still clowning. My clown name was Cook E. Lady so naturally he had to have a cookie name.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

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  2. No pets right now. We used to have a beagle named Buster but his long ears got him in trouble. He got hit by a car while snooping in the street. We had a beautiful Springer Spaniel named Sarah. We gave her to a family that had lost theirs. We have had cats, my preference but hubby longs for a dog. We are renting and need a deposit for pets. So not right now.

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  3. Cute! I am kinda scared of German Shepherds though because I’ve been bitten by two of them. Not serious enough to get medical attention, but enough I’m not quite willing to walk up to them and say hi lol. But yours does look pretty lovey 🙂

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