Memorable Monday

Memorable Monday #80


Welcome to Memorable Monday! The purpose of Memorable Monday is to showcase an influential book read in the past that still sticks with you today. This fun Monday morning post is hosted by the lovely Becca at The Becca Files.

This week, I am featuring:


Dragonriders of Pern #1

by Anne McCaffrey

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When I was a young girl, probably 11 or 12, my grandmother gave me Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey. I can vividly remember voraciously reading this novel in one sitting. I absolutely LOVED this story. The action, the adventure, the battles, the romance, and the dragons! I had never read a book like this before. It opened my eyes to a whole new world in fiction — Fantasy.

Every time I see this book or think about it, I can’t help but fondly remember my Grandma and her influence on my reading as a child. I have always loved reading, but when my Grandma took me under her wing, pun intended, and shared her books with me it changed my reading forever.

About the Book


To the nobles who live in Ruatha Hold, Lessa is nothing but a ragged kitchen girl. For most of her life, she has survived by serving those who betrayed her father and took over his lands. Now the time has come for Lessa to shed her disguise—and take back her stolen birthright.

But everything changes when she meets a queen dragon. The bond they share will be deep and last forever. It will protect them when, for the first time in centuries, Lessa’s world is threatened by Thread, an evil substance that falls like rain and destroys everything it touches. Dragons and their Riders once protected the planet from Thread, but there are very few of them left these days. Now brave Lessa must risk her life, and the life of her beloved dragon, to save her beautiful world.


Share a book you’ve read in the past and explain briefly why it’s so memorable to you in the comments below.

If you would like to join Memorable Mondays, check out Becca’s blog site by clicking HERE. Scroll to a Memorable Monday post for info.

4 thoughts on “Memorable Monday #80

  1. Loved this. So powerful.
    My all-time fave is either Kiss or Burn, both by Erin Healy.
    In Burn, a bit player gypsy woman says something that profoundly influenced my life:
    “The heart has two chambers. One for John, and one for Judas.”
    I thought about that for weeks. How every day I get to make a choice, to love or betray the One I say I live for.
    Kari Grace

    Liked by 1 person

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