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Underestimating Miss Cecelia (2019) — Release Day + Review + Giveaway


About the Book

UMCShy, sweet Cecilia Hatherleigh has always been in love with Edward Amherst, the boy next door. Yet he’s never seen her as anything but the quiet girl in the background as he flirts with the other vivacious women of the ton. 

When a near tragedy brings Edward’s attention to his family duties, this prodigal son decides he needs to settle down with a proper wife. Cecilia hopes to convince him to choose her—but God may want her to forget the wayward nobleman and put her future in His hands alone.

These two try to find their way toward happiness, but prejudice, political riots, and the changing face of England’s societal structures begin to block them at every turn. Can their struggles turn to triumph—or will their paths permanently diverge?

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About the Author

Carolyn   Miller

Carolyn Miller lives in New South Wales, Australia with her husband and four children. A longtime lover of Regency romance, Carolyn’s previous novels have won several contests, including the 2014 RWA “Touched by Love” and 2014 ACFW Genesis contests. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and My Book Therapy.


My Thoughts

I have read every novel Carolyn has published, so I feel like an expert who can say that Carolyn Miller is the #1 Regency-era writer of modern times. I’m blown away by Underestimating Miss Cecilia; it’s such a fantastically penned romance. It’s sweeping, it’s heartbreaking, it’s frustrating, it’s sweetly romantic, and it’s filled with timely lessons. Suffice to say, Underestimating Miss Cecilia is an exquisite read!

One of the most interesting and authentically thought-provoking concepts weaved throughout the narrative is that of idols. Cecilia has loved Ned her entire life. It wrecks her spirit that Ned never notices her as anything more than a little sister. Why can’t he see her?! I have to admit, I didn’t see anything wrong with Cecy’s love for Ned at first. To me, she is just a girl in love with a clueless man. She doesn’t do anything crazy to try to get Ned’s attention. She is respectful and considerate and kind. But the more I read, the more I realized that Cecy is a bit obsessed. And then a conversation takes place between Cecy and Lord Abbotsbury that rocked my world. Lord Abbotsbury states to Cecy, “We too often put our trust in people and treat them like gods, when really we would be better served seeking such approval from the One whose principles never change, and is ever infallible” (230). Boy, did this comment change my mind about how much Cecy “loved” Ned!

This comment also forced me to take a good look at myself. I have truly believed myself to be a woman who has tossed over her “idols” and given herself wholly to the Lord, but I have been struggling a lot lately, and now I think I know why. About a month ago, my daughter was diagnosed with petit mal seizures. My husband and I are working with a really good neurologist who is helping us to find the right medicine + diet combo for Bella. I didn’t think I was too messed up by this bump in the road, but then I got to talking to a couple of my friends the other day. In a fit of tears, I confessed that I am afraid of losing my daughter. This seed of fear has been growing since Bella was born. Bella’s birth was insane. We almost lost her three times. God 100% is the only reason she has reached her 7th birthday. I think that I’ve always treated her with kid gloves because I know I can never have any other children, so adding a seizure diagnosis has thrown me into a fear cycle I am not sure how to overcome. I cannot lose my kid! I have confessed this fear struggle with God, but the fear isn’t going away. I think, like Cecy has done to Ned, I have turned my sweet little girl into my idol. I think this is why I’m still struggling with fear even though I’ve confessed the fear to God. My real issue is that I haven’t confessed my actual sin — idolatry.

When this thought first stuck me I gasped and said, “NO!” I mean moms are made to love their kids fiercely. But then I considered my fear: I do NOT want to lose my child. To me, my child dying is a pain I am not sure I could ever overcome. But this is where I have gone wrong. This is how I have made my child an idol. Psalm 106:36 (ESV) states, They served their idols, which became a snare to them. The piece of this verse that resonates with me, and I dare say would resonate with Cecy, is the idea of the snare. A snare is a trap. I never meant to be trapped in this type of idol worship, and neither did Miss Cecilia. I just thought I was loving my child, and Cecy believed she was loving the man God made for her. But the truth is both fictional Cecy and very real me stopped trusting God. Instead of going to God for help, I became the one who would find the answers. I’ll figure out the medicines. I’ll watch Bella like a hawk. I’ll stay up until two in the morning worrying. It became all about me, me, me! I have become so wrapped up in my daughter that I forgot she is actually God’s daughter. I lost sight of the fact that God sets Bella’s steps in this life, not me. As Abbotsbury puts it to Cecy, I made Bella a god and I did not seek out the One who knows best.

I am SO grateful for Underestimating Miss Cecilia. Carolyn Miller has penned something more than just a Regency-era novel. She has crafted a fictional place that allows the reader the opportunity to wrestle with various internal struggles and hopefully come out the other side stronger in relationship with God. Yes, the plot is engaging. Yes, the characters are well-written and endearing. Yes, the happily ever after is satisfying. But it is the timely themes that make this novel stellar. I highly, highly recommend Underestimating Miss Cecilia. Purchase a copy today. You will not be disappointed.

I received a review copy of this novel in paperback form from the author via her publisher, Kregel Publications. In no way has this influenced my review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.



I am giving away ONE (1) paperback copy of Underestimating Miss Cecelia by Carolyn Miller. The giveaway begins today, 7-23-19 at 5:00 am (PST) and ends on Saturday, 7-28-19 at 12:00 pm (PST). To enter, click on the Rafflecopter link below. Good luck!

Congrats to Dianna G.!

You have won this giveaway. Thank you for participating. I appreciate your support!

***Please Note: Open to Continental U.S. mailing addresses only.*** One winner will be notified via email at the end of the giveaway and will be announced here on this page. For full giveaway disclosures and policies, click HERE.

27 thoughts on “Underestimating Miss Cecelia (2019) — Release Day + Review + Giveaway

  1. I entered but couldn’t leave a comment. We are vacationing in South Dakota so WiFi us sketchy. But that’s how I spell my name and today, release day, is my birthday! Woohoo!


  2. Wow! Such a deep heartfelt review! As a mother of an only child, I completely understand. I too have to remind myself when fears creep in that this child, my son, isn’t mine, he’s God’s! I so enjoyed meeting Carolyn a few months ago and am looking forward to reading her books. Especially this one!! ❤ Praying for Bella and for you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Appreciate the review and the wonderful opportunity to enter the giveaway! Would love to win a print copy! God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wonderful review. Thank you for being so honest. I remember when my first daughter was born I felt like God said I had to hold on to her lightly … I had to trust that He was holding her. I found that very hard and still do, but it was a great reminder that I can’t control what will happen in her life, but I can trust that my loving, good God IS in control.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by today and reading my review. Your understanding of my situation means a lot. God is in control. I have to remind myself of that a lot.


  5. Thank you so much for sharing your review & heart with us. I love how “fiction” books can impact our lives so strongly when such truth is mixed in with the story. I have read all of Carolyn Miller’s books as well. I think my favorite of hers is “The Elusive Miss Ellison”…it’s the one that put her in my favorite authors list. 😍 Such witt, realistic struggle, sweet romance, and heart! Looking forward to reading Carolyn’s next adventure.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by today. I appreciate you reading my review. Carolyn’s books are the best. I really love her first book too. Right away I knew Carolyn was a star in this industry. 😀


  6. What a beautiful and inspiring review! Thank you for your honesty in sharing your struggles with us readers. I love Carolyn Miller’s books and can’t wait to read this latest one. Thanks for this giveaway opportunity 🙂.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by today and reading my review. It means a lot. Carolyn’s books are amazing. I hope you get to read her latest book real soon. 😊


  7. I have a paperback copy of “A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh ” that Carolyn signed when I met her in April. Her and her hubby were on a book tour in the US and came to Oregon first. Such a lovely couple, she’s warm and funny. I loved hearing her Australian accent 💖 I will treasure that time always!
    I shamefully admitted I had never read her books and she was very gracious. They are on my massive want-to-read list though! Of course I need to add this book to my collection, thank you for the chance. Lovely review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh! You got to meet Carolyn!!! That is awesome. I do hope you can read her books soon. They are remarkable. Thank you so much for stopping by today. 😀


  8. I have only read one of her books but nothing in this series. I’m looking forward to checking it out when it comes to my library!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I am excited to read this book! I love the unrequited love aspect of it. 🙂 I have only read one other book by this author.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you won’t pass this novel up. It’s a great one!
      And, thank you for your electronic hugs. Lol! It means a lot. God does have me and my kiddo. 😊


  10. As I read your review I am now more aware of what has been happening to my mother. She had to deal with my having cancer in 2013 then my sister and brother( in law) in 2014. We lost my sister in 2016 and my brother in law last year. She then found out my older sister has cancer and she is having a really hard time. Thank you for this article and for Ms. Miller for this story.
    I have read nearly all of her books and I still think Lavinia( The Elusive Miss Ellison).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by today. I am so sorry for all that’s been going on since 2013. I’m so glad my review gave you insight into a mommy who’s scared. I pray everything calms down for you and your family. God bless you!


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