Book Blogger Hop · Weekly Themed Posts

Book Blogger Hop: Collector or Hoarder?

Book Blogger Hop is run by Billy@CoffeeAddictedWriter. I was first introduced to the Book Blogger Hop posts by Bonnie at Bonnie Reads and Writes. Definitely check out her site. She is great! Anyway, Book Blogger Hop deals with a different bookish question each week, and this week’s question, posed by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer is:

I am an unapologetic hoarder of books. It’s funny because my OCD doesn’t let me be a hoarder of anything. I love neat piles and orderly spaces. I throw stuff out constantly. But when it comes to books, I just can’t help myself. I hoard like crazy. But is it really hoarding when books are so vital and educational and escapist and cathartic? Hoarding has such a negative undertone, and I truly don’t think there is anything negative about being surrounded by books.

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