Thursday Encouragement

HIS Encouragement #13


Good morning, and welcome to His Encouragement Thursday! I don’t know about you, but Thursdays are my struggle day of the week. By Thursday, I have already been working hard at school and at home, and I just wish it would hurry up and be Friday already. LOL! I definitely need a little extra Jesus time on Thursdays.

Trisha, my blogger friend at Joy of Reading, and I decided on calling this post “His Encouragement” because our real source of peace, strength, and security can only come from Jesus Christ. He, and He alone, is our constant! We pray and hope that these Thursday posts become a real encouragement to you and help you end your week strong in God’s love and purpose for you. God bless!

Today’s Thursday Encouragement comes from:

Proverbs 1:33 (ESV)

Whoever listens to ME will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.


Proverbs 1 introduces the two speakers of Proverbs. The first is the Father, and the second is Wisdom who is portrayed as “she.” Together, the Father and Wisdom make up the perfect parents. And, of course, Proverbs is the discourse used to train up your child. If a person listens to and does what Father and Wisdom instruct then life for that person will be much better than the life of one who chooses to ignore the words of Father and Wisdom.

In Proverbs 1: 20-33, the reader hears for the first time from Wisdom. Wisdom cries aloud in the streets and in the markets and in the city gates for the Simple Ones to turn from their foolishness and selfishness. She begs the Simple Ones to turn from their hatred of true knowledge and begs them to fear the Lord. Wisdom gives a stark warning to those Simple Ones who adamantly refuse to turn from their selfish, sinful ways — one day, calamity, distress, and terror will strike them, and they will cry out to Wisdom and seek her, but she will not be found. It will have been too late.

There is SO much depth to all of Proverbs 1, but for some reason the voice of Wisdom really struck me this week. I think she gives some timely warnings that we all need to heed in these last days. Don’t be a Simple One. Be the one who turns to THE Father, the true Voice of Wisdom. When we do turn to Him, we are rewarded with secure dwellings, contentment, and safety from dread. I don’t know about you, but to me it seems like a real easy choice!

I hope that your Thursday is a blessed one, and that this verse resonates with you today. God bless!

Now, it’s your turn!

What Biblical verse is encouraging you today?

And, check out more Thursday Encouragement from my fellow blogger friends:

Trisha @ Joy of Reading

Jacquelyn @ A Heavenly Home

Jessica @ A Baker’s Perspective

If you would like to join us: please contact Trisha or Nicole

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