2024 Reading Challenge · Month In Review · Updates

Month in Review — February 2024

February was a strange month for me. Simultaneously, it went by equal parts quickly and slowly. Quickly in the sense that I ran out of reading time and almost didn’t meet my goals. But slowly in the sense that I am waiting on some test results for both my husband and myself, so I’ve been battling a touch of anxiety. Anxiety makes every second of the day drip by so slowly. But it’s all good. God has both me and my husband in His very capable hands. So, there really is nothing to worry about. How about you? How was your February?

Here is what I posted on my blog in February:

Photo by Emre Can Acer on Pexels.com
StoryGraph Stats as of 2-24-24

4 thoughts on “Month in Review — February 2024

  1. Waiting on medical tests is so hard. I’m praying they come back with useful news.

    I had a nice February reading-wise. I didn’t get as much done as I’d like. My elderly mother is taking a tremendous amount of my time. But I am blessed to have this time with her in her final years, so it’s okay. My own life will just be slower for a season.

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    1. I’m so glad to hear you had a good reading month. I’m sorry to hear about your mom, but so very glad to hear that you are feeling blessed by this time you have with her. I would definitely do pretty much anything to get one more day with my parents who have passed. Slow seasons are a good thing!

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  2. I understand the whole waiting for results from tests. We got some bad news about our grandson on FR. He has to have surgery for Stage I cancer. Please keep him in your prayers on March 18th. I have had difficulty concentrating on reading since we heard.

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