2024 Reading Challenge · TBR Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge Review #1

The goal this month for the 2024 CFG Reading Challenge hosted by yours truly was to read a 2023 title I wanted to read but couldn’t get to, so I read The Earl Next Door by Ashtyn Newbold.

The goal for the Posse Reading Challenge 2024 hosted by popular author Karen Witemeyer was to read a book with a number in the title, so I read Holiday Honeymoon for One by Jennifer Peel.

About the Book

My Thoughts

About the Book

My Thoughts

14 thoughts on “2024 Reading Challenge Review #1

  1. Almost. I am about finished with the book for your challenge. I am at my sister’s house this week (celebrating a late Christmas) so I don’t have as much time to read, but I am working on it. Good job on completing the two challenges you are participating in!

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  2. I read The Year of Goodbyes and Hellos by Kekky Irvin, that I hadn’t gotten to read last year.
    For a number in the title, I read Double Take by Lynette Eason.

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  3. One of my goals was to get back to posting regularly…I currently have 129 posts queued for various memes – TTT, FLF, Spelling the Month in Books, my own Monday Meme and my Would You Rather…, and I am kind of impressed with myself, not going to lie, lol

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      1. it took AAAAGES. But I used a weekend when Eleanor was at her father’s house and just made myself sit down and do it. I don’t have much for TTT yet because not all are jumping out at me as interesting, or even applicable to non-fiction. I have posts ready to August 1st for FLF, Dec 30 for my Monday Meme, Books From The Backlog to April, and a few others. It is kind of a relief, once I finally just got it all done. I will add more next weekend when she has to be gone again – it definitely makes the time go by faster until Eleanor is back home again!

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      2. It is the worst, I hate when she has to leave. But it was a huge relief to get so much done, and it will basically mean a post every day, which will allow me to focus on getting reviews done this year – unlike last year where I started pretending I didn’t have to do them, lol.

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      3. I get it! My struggle is that I feel obligated to review after every book I read. Sometimes, that sense of obligation turns the reading into work. Then I want to give up on my blogging completely. When I feel that way, I know it’s time for a blog break. Twice a year, I take two weeks off. I get caught up without the pressure and even start to enjoy it all again. Personally, reading for fun should never feel like a job. 😀


      4. I used to feel that way too. I have a page on my blog dedicated to books needing reviews. I periodically go back ove the list and remove titles I no longer care to review. It is the same with DNF-ing, I used to have such a hard time with that. But if I don’t feel strongly either way about a book, I don’t need to review it. Such a struggle! I never want this to be work, it is fun and how I pass the time waiting for my baby to come home.

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      5. DNF-ing used to be the hardest for me, but I’ve learned that if I contact the publisher or author who sent me the book and explain my issues, they are good about understanding. They don’t want bad press. But I’ve mostly just learned how to puck books better over the years, so DNF-ing isn’t an issue. 😀


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