Top Ten Tuesday · Weekly Themed Posts

Top Ten Tuesday #47

hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday post. This week’s topic is: Books I Meant to Read in 2023 but Didn’t. Boiling this list down to ten was not easy. A lot of good books released in 2023, and I just could not get to them all. My TBR is constantly overflowing. LOL!

Released February 2023

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Released November 2023

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Released November 2023

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Released November 2023

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Released July 2023

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Released September 2023

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23 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #47

  1. The only one I have read on your list is The Hollywood Jinx. To be honest, it wasn’t my favorite by this author. That’s okay, though. Maybe you will love it when you get to it.


  2. It’s been FOREVER since I read a novel by Ronie and last thing I read by Tamera I think was a historical novel. Also, Sariah’s books look really cute! May be an author I need to give a chance. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my website on this week! Appreciate that.

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