2024 Reading Challenge · Christmas Lit · Clean Read Romance · Contemporary Romance

Holiday Honeymoon for One (2017)

BookHoliday Honeymoon for One

Series: Return to Christmas Falls #2

Author: Jennifer Peel

Release Date: October 23, 2017

Genre: Contemporary Romance

All I want for Christmas this year is to be able to spend more time with my son and to finally move us out of our cramped apartment. I have the perfect plan to make my holiday dreams come true. All I have to do is convince my boss I’m the right person for the manager position that’s available at the resort I work for. It finally seems like Santa is going to grant my wish, until one Jace Petersen, the owner of a national chain of sporting goods stores, walks into my life. More like literally falls on me. Worst first impression ever.

Unexpectedly, the gorgeous man, who should have been on his honeymoon, makes a fantastic second and third impression. It’s putting a big kink in my plans. You see, resort employees and guests are forbidden to mingle, but mingle we do. Not only is Jace amazing with my son, but he’s making me believe that maybe I deserve more than I’ve given myself credit for. But is he worth risking my heart and promotion for? He sure thinks so. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll let him convince me.

USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Peel presents a charming Christmas tale about finding love in the most unexpected place—a honeymoon.

Click HERE to purchase your copy!

Holiday Honeymoon for One by Jennifer Peel is a super adorable story. I enjoyed every minute. I was initially drawn by this story’s premise. Actually, I was kind of turned off by the premise. I mean, how does one fall in love with someone when they are on the honeymoon that was supposed to be shared with someone else? How could this new relationship be anything other than a rebound? But I was super curious to see how Peel would address this issue…and she does a great job. In no way does she skirt the issue. In fact, Piper and Jace face it head on. Yes, there is immediate, palpable chemistry between the two, but the story itself isn’t about chemistry. It’s about two unique characters who had very certain plans for their lives, but life had other ideas. It’s about these two unique characters helping one another through some crud and coming out the other side better, stronger people. It’s about friendships and facing pasts and overcoming. Seriously, I was blown away by how much depth Peel packed into 189 pages.

Holiday Honeymoon for One is a totally endearing Contemporary Romance that I highly recommend. I has so much fun reading this story, and if you’re a fan of well-written Contemporary Romances with depth, then I bet you’ll love it, too!

I purchased a copy of this novel in eBook form from Amazon.com on December 17, 2023, in order to review. In no way has this influenced my review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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