Top Ten Tuesday · Weekly Themed Posts

Top Ten Tuesday #46

hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday post. This week’s topic is: Bookish Goals for 2024.

1. Complete the 2024 CFG Reading Challenge.

This challenge is one of my own creation. 😊

2. Complete the Posse Reading Challenge for 2024.

This challenge was created by author Karen Witemeyer.

3. Read at least 48 books.

4. Read at least 22,000 pages.

5. Tackle more of my TBR pile (both digital and physical).

6. Continue to make a dent in my NetGalley TBR pile.

7. Re-read a book that makes me happy — I’m stealing this from last year as I failed to meet this goal.

8. Take breaks from blogging — I did this twice last year and it was SO helpful. Taking a break actually allowed me to stay more on top of books, reviews due, posts due, etc. And I felt the quality time with my family.

9. Read at least one new-to-me author.

10. Don’t sweat the small stuff — enjoy family, blogging, and work!

22 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #46

  1. Read my 200 books for my Goodreads goal. Read more diligently for Netgalley. My TBR list there is huge! Read the books for your reading challenge. Complete the reading challenge for author Brenda Novak.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NetGalley…so many people had “get NetGalley under control” on their lists today. I don’t know why it’s so easy to get behind on NetGalley, but it is. Good luck with your goals! 😀


  2. These are great goals! I love the idea of taking a break from blogging – I did that for the first time last year and it kept things fresh for me. Good luck with all of your goals this year!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your last goal and your goal to take a break. I plan to take a week off in February, but will pre-plan things. I just won’t be doing work during the week on the website or using the computer during the week. I think it will be super helpful and hopefully inspire me to read more. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually saw it posted on Karen’s Facebook page for the Posse group. If you type in the Posse into FB’s search engine, you should find it easily. I’m sure Karen will allow you into the group. You’re great! 🙂


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