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Love, Unscripted (2024)

Book: Love, Unscripted

Author: Denise Hunter

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: March 12, 2024

She thought she’d scripted the perfect boyfriend. But she’s convinced that the actor cast to play him doesn’t know a thing about real love.

Frustrated with the sad state of her dating life, restaurateur Chloe Culpepper penned a single romance novel featuring the man of her dreams. Upon the book’s publication, the hero resonated with thousands of women, catapulting the book to the top of the bestsellers list and earning the novel a movie option.

Chloe is thrilled a production company wants to bring her movie to the big screen and film it right in her hometown, Stillwater Bay, South Carolina. But when the producer casts Liam Hamilton—a notorious Hollywood playboy—for the part of her beloved Ledger, she’s appalled. He’s just like her unfaithful ex-boyfriend—and her duplicitous father. How can Liam possibly understand, much less portray, the wonderful character who captured her heart and made her readers swoon?

An embarrassing and contentious first meeting does little to allay Chloe’s fears about Liam. The man hasn’t even read her book! But one thing she she must win him over if she’s to influence his role and save the integrity of her movie.

Due to the deceitful tabloids and, okay, some minor commitment issues, Liam Hamilton’s reputation—and career—is in jeopardy. On the advice of his manager and best friend, he offers a bargain with the wholesome author of his upcoming if she will appear in public as his steady girlfriend during the making of the movie, he will take her direction on the role of Ledger.

Could a little quid pro quo offer a solution to both of their problems? Or will the bargain cause more trouble than either of them could’ve possibly imagined?

Click HERE to purchase your copy!

I love Denise Hunter novels, and Love, Unscripted is no exception. I thoroughly enjoyed my time reading this sweet Contemporary Romance. The concept hooked me immediately — I really do love the “A-lister, uber-popular Hero falling for the Regular-Jane Heroine” plotlines. I’m a sucker for stories where the “underdog” wins and, in this case, gets her man. The characters are well crafted, as to be expected with any novel Hunter pens. I really love the dynamic between Chloe and her entire family. Chloe’s family includes her sweet-natured, but strong mother, her incredibly big-hearted, BBQ-loving step-father, and her very protective older brother, Sean. I enjoyed the illustration throughout the novel showcasing how they do family. They banter, they play, they make fun, but they also protect, love fiercely, and support in all things. They are there for each other no matter what, and this is why the family dynamic, for me, is my favorite aspect of this story. As far as the hero goes, Liam is excellent. What an all-around good guy. I really enjoyed the moments told from his perspective the best. Liam has been deeply wounded by family, but also from the whole world. The constant made-up gossip and lies spread about him made me so frustrated. Nowadays, it is the norm to believe blindly whatever MSM and influencers tells us. We have become a Society that judges before ANY evidence is brought forth, and we really love to hate. It’s totally depressing and insanely frustrating. Hunter did a really excellent job of showcasing this current-day issue via Liam’s every day life. It’s actually quite a good reminder for us readers that we should not immediately jump to judge, jury, and executioner simply based on the words of some entity or person claiming to be in the know. As far as Chloe goes, I did struggle with her character. She is a really genuine, sweet person, but she quickly jumps to conclusions without any evidence. And then she can be really mean with her words and actions. Honestly, I saw her as a cautionary tale. We really need to be careful with our assessments of others, with our words, and with our actions. Of course things end well in Love, Unscripted, but real life is not a Romance novel. In real life, our knee-jerk assessments, our careless words, and our harsh actions can cause real damage. We would all be keen to remember this!

Love, Unscripted is a story not to be missed. I loved my time with these characters, and the message to not jump to immediate conclusions will stick with me long after the final page has turned. If you are a fan of well-written, highly engaging Contemporary Romances filled with depth then you will love this book.

I purchased a copy of this novel in eBook form from on August 29, 2023, in order to review. I also received an eBook copy from the publisher, Thomas Nelson, via NetGalley in order to review. In no way has this influenced my review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

13 thoughts on “Love, Unscripted (2024)

  1. It’s been a long time since I read some of these beloved Christian authors and Denise Hunter is one of them. Perhaps one of these days I’ll read some of her newer novels. 🙂

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