Thursday Encouragement · Weekly Themed Posts

His Encouragement #252

Welcome to His Encouragement Thursday! I don’t know about you, but Thursdays are my struggle day of the week. By Thursday, I have already been working hard at school and at home, and I just wish it would hurry up and be Friday already. LOL! I definitely need a little extra Jesus time on Thursdays.

Psalm 73:26 (ESV)

I have been in a season of failing.

That’s a tad dramatic, but I have been suffering from random, odd, and frustrating female health issues lately and it feels like nothing is working to heal me. It really feels like failure.

I will be OK. God is in charge for sure. He knows I’ve been walking through this very odd valley. I’ve been praying for healing and guidance the whole time. I don’t doubt God or His healing abilities. I’m just a little frustrated and a whole lotta tired.

Psalm 73:26 reminds me that what happens to my physical body here on earth is sort of superfluous. In the end, it doesn’t really matter. I am meant for a different place. I am meant for Heaven where I can be with my Lord and Savior for all of eternity. I long for this time — when my body will be perfect as God intended, when I won’t get sick in odd and kind of scary ways, and when everything will function as it should. I long for the time when I won’t have fear or anxiety or anger or frustration or concern. When I’ll just get to be with Jesus.

Until then, I need constant reminders that here on earth God is how I will survive each and every day He has me here on this planet for such a time as this. It is Jesus I must lean into for strength because my human strength is fleeting. God is my strength. He is my portion FOREVER now and when I will be in Heaven.

If you, dear reader, are struggling today with your physical or mental health, if you are tired of the seemingly endless fight to good health, just remember that God is your strength, too. He has you in the palm of His very capable hands. And His shoulders are big enough to carry your burdens. Give them to Him. He’s waiting!



4 thoughts on “His Encouragement #252

  1. I hear you, sister! I have Type 1 diabetes and, while it’s manageable, it’s a constant thing from which I NEVER get a break. I’ve definitely wondered why I have this disease and why I have to “suffer” with it (I’m a good person, darn it!). It helps me to remember the ways in which God has blessed me in dealing with it as well as the fact that there are people all over the place who are truly suffering from situations and conditions much worse than my own. I don’t have it all that bad and He has definitely had my back through my health issues. That doesn’t mean I don’t need to be reminded of that, though, so thanks for this lovely post!


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    1. I’m the same. My plight in life is probably not that big of a deal, all things considered. But it’s a thorn I deal with every day. I get tired. I, too, need the reminder that God’s the Boss and He’s got control over everything. 😀


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