Top Ten Tuesday · Weekly Themed Posts · Year-End Review

Top Ten Reads of 2023

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday!

hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is Favorite Books of 2023, so I’m making my annual Top Ten Reads post a Top Ten Tuesday post. How convenient!

I don’t know about you, but 2023 was the fastest year of my life. Each month, I blinked and it was over. But that didn’t stop me from reading some excellent stories this year. So, here are my top-ten reads of 2023.

If Frantz has a book out, it will always be my favorite for the year!

About the Book

My Review

This story has stuck with me since I read it last January. I loved every minute of this heart-wrenching book.

About the Book

My Review

Loved every minute of this delightful and charming Romance, and cannot wait for book 2.

About the Book

My Review

This book…is utterly amazing. I devoured it in what felt like minutes. Then I told everyone about this book and got a bunch of ladies reading it, too. I’ve never, ever read anything like this book before. This is definitely a re-read book!

About the Book

My Review

This series is outstanding. I didn’t think book 1 could be topped, but book 2 brings it! I cannot wait for book 3!!!

About the Book

My Review

I am enjoying this series so much. This book was positively delightful in every way! Can’t wait for Luke’s story next!!!

About the Book

My Review

A remarkable Historical Fiction novel that had me reading through the night and past my bedtime. This story is so captivating and intense.

About the Book

My Review

This was my favorite Contemporary Romance, hands down. I loved every single second of this story. It will definitely go on my re-read pile!

About the Book

My Review

Every book Nicole Deese writes is gold, and The Words We Lost was no different. Such an excellent story!

About the Book

My Review

This book was one of my favorites because I got brave and took a chance on a genre that’s not my favorite. This book is excellent, and I can’t wait to read more by Wright!

About the Book

My Review

28 thoughts on “Top Ten Reads of 2023

  1. I have not read Becky Wade’s, Cindy Steele’s or Katherine Reay’s. But I agree with the others wholeheartedly. I tried to come up with my best of list. There are so many to narrow down! I have 10 in at least 5 catagories!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My top read for 2023 was Amanda Cox’s book HE SHOULD HAVE TOLD THE BEES followed closely by Elizabeth Goddard’s SHADOW AT DUSK. There are so many great books I read but those were my top two.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve read five of the ten! And I have a copy of What happens Next in my TBR pile. One book I read pretty recently and have been recommending a lot is Appalachian Song by Michelle Shocklee.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Fantastic list! I loved Becky Wade and Jaime Jo Wright’s books. Quite a few other books on your list are on my TBR pile. Happy New Year! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I heard some great things about Laura’s book (one of these days I need to read one of Laura’s more recent releases) and the books I’ve read by Nicole were so good. Lots to anticipated for me yet. 😉 Thanks so much for visiting my website on this week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, you definitely must read any of Laura’s latest stories. I highly recommend Heart Adrift, The Rose and the Thistle, or The Seamstress of Acadie if you need a place to start. 😊


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