Top Ten Tuesday · Weekly Themed Posts

Top Ten Tuesday #37

hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday post. This week’s topic is: Halloween Freebie. I am not a Horror fan by any stretch. I don’t read scary books or watch scary movies/tv at all. They give me nightmares. For today’s post, I am going to showcase author Jaime Jo Wright. I absolutely adore her as a person and have followed her career for many years now, BUT I can’t read her books. They are too spooky!

  1. The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater
  2. The Premonition at Withers Farm
  3. The Vanishing at Castle Moreau
  4. On the Cliffs of Foxglove Manor
  5. The Souls of Lost Lake
  6. Echoes Among the Stones
  7. The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus
  8. The Reckoning at Gossamer Pond
  9. The Curse of Misty Wayfair
  10. The House on Foster Hill

20 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #37

    1. I think you would like them, Vickie. I gave a Jaime Jo Wright novel to my husband and he is totally creeped out, but loving every minute of trying to solve the mystery. It’s been fun watching him read! Have a great day, Vickie!

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  1. I’m not a “horror” story fan either. But I did read Jaime’s book… her debut I think. It was a solid novel, but I haven’t read more by her. However based on the atmosphere of the art and the titles and plot, they are IDEAL picks for this topic. 🙂 Thanks a bunch for visiting my website today!

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  2. I’ve never heard of Jaime Jo Wright or her books, but even the titles of some of them sound scary! I’m like you – I can’t read or watch scary things, but I can get away with books if they’re only a teeny bit scary or a little spooky. Hope you had a happy Halloween!

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  3. I definitely don’t read as many scary books as I used to, but I was a Dean Koontz fan back in the day. Now I prefer just a *little* scary. 😃

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