2023 Reading Challenge · Month In Review · Updates

Month in Review — October 2023

October was an insanely busy time for me. Work was nuts! Here’s my month-at-a-glance from my phone so you get an idea of what I was up against this month:

4 days out of the entire month I did not have a meeting of some kind. It’s just too much. And this mostly just shows you my day at work. It doesn’t include all the family stuff this month — the birthdays, anniversaries, and other family appointments. I would get to Saturdays this month and crash because I was SO exhausted. Thank God for Saturdays!!!

Even though this was a crazy busy month, I did manage to post quite a bit on my blog. It always makes me so happy when I can stay consistent on my blog. There were several times this month I said to myself to take a week off, but I persevered, and got a lot of blogging and reading done.

Here is what I posted on my blog in October:

Photo by Toni Cuenca on Pexels.com
StoryGraph Stats as of 10/28/23

5 thoughts on “Month in Review — October 2023

    1. Saturdays are my days to get blog stuff done. Because I am so busy during the week, I really look forward to working on my blog on Saturdays. I tend to get lost in my blogging world and get a lot done. Good luck with your post. I am sure you had a great month, too!

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