Must-Get Monday · Weekly Themed Posts

Must-Get Monday #143

Fog Harbor Romance #2

by Nicole Deese

Releases April 30, 2024

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As I type this post, I am currently on the last two chapters of The Words We Lost, the first book in the Fog Harbor Romance series. My review for that book will release soon, but suffice to say, I just pre-ordered this book, The Roads We Follow, because I need more Deese writing. Her books sucker-punch her readers in the heart, but they also fill us with hope. I am sure this second book will be more of the heart-punching, hope-filled goodness we’ve come to expect from a Deese novel. I wouldn’t expect anything less!

As the youngest daughter of a country music legend, Raegan Farrow longs to establish an identity away from the spotlight and publish her small-town romances under a pen name. But after her dream is dashed when she won’t exploit her mother’s fame to further her own career, she hears a rumor from a reliable source regarding a tell-all being written about the Farrow family. Making matters worse, the unknown author has gone to great lengths to remain anonymous until publication.

Raegan chooses to keep the tell-all a secret from her scandal-leery sisters as they embark on a two-week, cross-country road trip at their mother’s request and makes it her mission to expose the identity of the author behind the unsanctioned biography. But all is complicated when she discovers their hired bus driver, Micah Davenport, has a hidden agenda of his own–one involving both of their mothers and an old box of journals. As they rely on each other to find the answers they seek, the surprising revelations they unearth will steer them toward their undeniable connection and may even lead them down the most unexpected of paths.

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