Top Ten Tuesday · Weekly Themed Posts

Top Ten Tuesday #36

hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday post. This week’s topic is: Books with Weather Events in the Title/on the Cover. I find this a rather difficult topic, so I’m listing books with titles that have natural elements in them. It’s the best I can do. 😉

  1. Head in the Clouds by Karen Witemeyer
  2. A New Shade of Summer by Nicole Deese
  3. Magnolia Summer by Melanie Dickerson
  4. Love Like Water by D.E. Malone
  5. Among the Poppies by J’nell Ciesielski
  6. Beneath an Italian Sky by Stacy Henrie
  7. Storm Rising by Ronie Kendig
  8. Like Flames in the Night by Connilyn Cossette
  9. Where the Stars Meet the Sea by Heidi Kimball
  10. Among Sand and Sunrise by Stacy Henrie

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