2023 Reading Challenge · Month In Review · Updates

Month in Review — June 2023

Hello summer! June and July are two of my most favorite months ever. They can be busy months, but they are months spent primarily with my family and books. Like every month that’s preceded, June pretty much flew by, but I was more present in the moments when I was with my husband and daughter. We’ve been hiking more, watching movies together more, and laughing more. It’s been great! And the reading time has been SO good, too!

Here is what I posted this month:

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels.com
StoryGraph Stats as of 6/23/23

That’s my June!

Did you meet any monthly goals you had set for yourself?

4 thoughts on “Month in Review — June 2023

  1. Looks like you had a good month!! It’s so important to be present with family. Time goes by so fast, and I think of all the moments I may have missed because my focus was elsewhere. Hope you have an amazing July!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was a great month! I’m not going to be as prolific in July because I’m taking two weeks off to hang with my family. I’m excited!!! Hope you have a great July, too.


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