Wondering Wednesday

Wondering Wednesday #6

Welcome to Wondering Wednesday, a new series I am joining thanks to Jessica at A Baker’s Perspective.

When you visit your favorite book blogs you learn a lot about books, but you don’t really learn that much about the bloggers who work tirelessly to get you that book info. The goal for Wondering Wednesday is to give you insight and a new perspective on the people behind the blogs you love.

We hope you enjoy learning about us bloggers. If you have a specific question for us, please click HERE. Make sure to join us each Wednesday as we respond to your questions.

If you are a blogger and would love to join Wondering Wednesday, check out Jessica’s blog for more information.

This week’s question is:

What did you think life would be like after high school, and how is it the same or different today?

Well, this is a loaded question!

What did I think life would be like after high school? Honestly, that was so long ago I can’t rightly remember. I knew I was going to college to become a teacher. Accomplished that and have been a teacher for 15 unique years. I thought I would meet someone in college, fall in love, get married, and have oodles of kids. Didn’t meet anyone in college because, as it turns out, “men” in college are actually stinky party boys, which turned me off faster that you could say, “Hey!” I didn’t meet my husband until I was almost 29 years old! And, I only have one excellent child, not the oodles I mistakenly prayed for as a youngster. It turns out having children is tough work. LOL!

Does my life live up to my high-school-me expectations? I would say that life is WAY better than anything I could have imagined. I attribute that to my faith in God. Starting each day with God by my side allows me to see the million seemingly-insignificant things that are really huge blessings in my life. Boy, am I one blessed woman and I cannot thank God enough. Every day, His mercies are new. Every day, I wake up next to my handsome husband and get to see my pretty daughter’s face. Every day, I’m blessed to have my needs met, excellent friends who have my back, and a job that not only allows me to pay our bills but also allows me to utilize the talents God has gifted me. And, everyday I get to work at my little blog ministry. I would say life is quite amazing!

What about you? How do you see life since high school?

Make sure to visit Jessica’s blog site to check out other bloggers’ responses to this week’s question!

4 thoughts on “Wondering Wednesday #6

  1. My life since high school has been nothing that I expected (or very little of it). But I have been blessed beyond measure and look forward to seeing what God will do next.

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  2. When I left high school and decided to attend school 12 hours away in Michigan, my mother said “you better not meet someone and stay up there”. I told my mom, “don’t worry, I won’t”. Famous last words!
    I met my husband my freshman year, his sophomore. But we didn’t start dating until the last semester of my senior year. We were friends with a large group of others, we’d hang out as a group of friends doing things, but it wasn’t until 1/2 way through my senior year that I even considered the idea of dating him. I’m still in Michigan, much to my mother’s dismay. I tell her, “maybe someday we’ll move to NC”. Maybe we will, maybe we won’t… time will tell. I feel like I’m right where the good Lord wants me. So until He tells me different….

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