Memorable Monday

Memorable Monday #40


Welcome to Memorable Monday! The purpose of Memorable Monday is to showcase an influential book read in the past that still sticks with you today. This fun Monday morning post is hosted by the lovely Becca at The Becca Files.

This week, I am featuring:

A Heart Divided

Heart of the Rockies #1

by Kathleen Morgan



A Heart Divided is such a GOOD book. I tore through this story in nanoseconds. This story is a Romeo and Juliet variant but with a twist. The characters are excellently crafted, the plot moves so quickly, and the messages are timely. If you are looking for a very well-written Christian Western to escape into, then I highly recommend A Heart Divided by Kathleen Morgan.

About the Book

It is 1878 and the Caldwells and Wainwrights have been feuding for decades. Still, Sarah Caldwell has misgivings when her father pressures her into distracting a ranch hand while he and her brothers rob the Wainwright place. When it becomes clear that hand is actually Cord Wainwright, Sarah realizes she needs to lay low. But Cord spots her in town and, with the sheriff away, makes a citizen’s arrest, dragging her off to the Wainwright ranch until the sheriff’s return. As the feud boils over, Cord and Sarah make a most inconvenient discovery–they are falling in love. Can they betray their families for love? Or will their families betray them?

Against the beautiful and wild backdrop of the Rocky Mountains comes this sweeping saga of romance, betrayal, and forgiveness from beloved author Kathleen Morgan.


Share a book you’ve read in the past and explain briefly why it’s so memorable to you in the comments below.

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